How to Get to Mechagon in WoW - Arcane Intellect (2024)

A step-by-step guide on how to unlock Mechagon in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

How to Get to Mechagon in WoW - Arcane Intellect (1)

I recently made a new World of Warcraft account because I wanted to start fresh and see what “pain points” exist for new players. Overall, the experience of starting from scratch and moving into Shadowlands content hasn’t been too bad. Unfortunately, things got frustrating when I decided to unlock and get to Mechagon on my character.

This was compounded by the fact that many existing guides were inaccurate, and the process was never clear in-game. In this article, I want to walk you through the process that worked for me (which I personally tested for accuracy on 3 characters; 2 Horde and 1 Alliance) and get you on your way to unlocking Mechagon. I’ll go into detail on each step, but for now, here is an overview of the winding saga that took me to Mechagon…

  • Reach level 50+
  • ALLIANCE ONLY: Complete theA Nation Divided BFA questline until you receive the Come Sail Away achievement
  • Obtain The Heart of Azeroth legendary necklace by picking up A Dying World
  • Earn friendly rep with the three main groups on your faction’s respective continent (Kul’Tiras for Alliance, Zandalar for Horde)
  • Complete Uniting Kul Tiras (A)/Uniting Zandalar (H)
  • Pick up the Send the Fleetquest from Boralus / Dazar’alor
  • Complete the Nazjatar storyline until Magni Bronzebeard appears and offers a quest called Essential Empowerment
  • Follow Magni’s quest chain to upgrade your legendary necklace and unlock the Heart Forge
  • Return to Nazjatar and complete the storyline until you unlock world quests
  • Accept The Legend of Mechagon from Gazlowe at 52.9, 43.3 in Dazar’Alor (H) or Tinkmaster Overspark at 67.4, 15.6 Boralus Harbor (A)

Okay, let’s take a closer look at each step and answer some common questions players have about Mechagon…

Before you go on! If you are trying to get to Mechagon in Shadowlands season 4, you can take the portal that is located near the Oribos flight master!

Wait… I already unlocked Mechagon; how do I get back

If you already unlocked Mechagon and landed on this article to find out how to get back, I apologize for making you read my short rant. I’ll hurry and answer your question before I dive into the unlock details.

Return to Mechagon for Horde

For Horde players, you can return to Mechagon by talking to the goblin at 41.85, 87.43 in the south-eastern area of Dazar’Alor. The goblin’s name is Capitan Krooz, and she sits on the shoulder of an oaf, making her tricky to spot at first.

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Return to Mechagon for Alliance

Alliance players can return to Mechagon by taking a flight path from anywhere in Kul’Tiras. If you don’t have the flight path, you might have stopped before unlocking it in the storyline, and you’ll want to follow step 5 below.

If you are even more visual, you can also check out this helpful video that shows how to travel to Mechagon for both factions in under a minute:

Step 1 — Reach level 50+

Mechagon was introduced late into the Battle for Azeroth expansion, which means it was intended to be a max level/endgame zone. This means that many parts of the Mechagon unlock process are gated behind a level 50 requirement. You can jump right in if you are already level 50 or above.

If you aren’t level 50, don’t worry! You can start working on the requirements while you level up, especially the rep requirements. You could also use this as an opportunity to level an Alliance character if you don’t have one and are trying to unlock the mechagnome allied race.

Let’s talk more about the reputation requirements now…

Step 1.5 — A Nation Divided (Alliance Only)

If you are unlocking Mechagon on an Alliance character, you’ll need to complete the A Nation Divided questline. This is the last chapter in the Battle for Azeroth introduction quest chain and will be completed before turning in Uniting Kul Tiras (A).

Just make sure to complete the introduction questline to the point that you get the Come Sail Away achievement, and you should be good to go. If you don’t know how to start the introduction questline; don’t worry, we’ll talk about that in step 3…

Step 2 Obtain The Heart of Azeroth legendary necklace

If you are already level 50, you can make things a little easier by picking up the Heart of Azeroth legendary necklace. To begin the process you can pick up a quest called A Dying World from the Earthen Guardian found outside the Snug Harbor Inn in Boralus or just outside the Great Seal in Dazar’Alor.

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Some players have reported not being able to see the quest available with the Earthen Guardian. If that happens to you, make sure you are level 50 and try logging in and out. If that still doesn’t work, you can take the Silithus portal from the Dazar’Alor/Boralus portal room and look for a dwarf named Magni after passing through.

As long as you are level 50, you should be able to pick up a quest called The Heart of Azeroth from Magni.

Step 3 — Uniting Kul’Tiras or Uniting Zandalar

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The next requirement to unlock Mechagon is to earn friendly with three factions. This is a requirement for unlocking the Nazjatar zone, which is required to unlock Mechagon (I told you it was confusing).

When I went through this step for the article, each faction took me about 45 minutes to reach friendly for a total of 2.5 hours of playtime or so. I didn’t read the quest text and I skipped the cutscenes, so things may go differently if you choose to immerse yourself in the story more.

The three factions you need to get reputation with will differ for Horde and Alliance players.

For the alliance, you’ll want to schmooze up:

  • Storm’s Wake in Stormsong Valley
  • Proudmoore Admiralty in Tiragarde Sound
  • Order of Embers in Drustvar

For Horde players, you’ll need to reach friendly with these groups instead:

  • Zandalari Empire in Zuldazar
  • Talanji’s Expedition in Nazmir
  • Voldunai in Vol’dun

The best way to earn this reputation is by completing the questlines in the respective zones listed above.

How to Start Battle for Azeroth (BFA) Questline in Shadowlands

If you haven’t been to the Battle of Azeroth zones, you’ll need to complete a short introduction questline starting from your capital city.

For Horde players, you can begin the Battle for Azeroth (BFA) content by speaking to the Warchief’s HeraldNPC in Orgrimmar. You can find him standing next to the board outside Grommosh Hold in the Valley of Strength. If you are level 60, you might not see an exclamation point for the quest because it is a low-level (“trivial”) quest. The quest you are looking for is Battle for Azeroth: Mission Statement.

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Alliance players can start the BFA questline by picking up Tides of War from theHero’s Herald(standing next to the Hero’s Call Board) in Stormwind’s Trade District. If you are level 60, you might not see an exclamation point for the quest because it is a low-level (“trivial”) quest.

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After starting the BFA story and getting the required rep, you’ll want to make your way to the boat in the Port of Zandalar at 58, 62 if you are Horde. Alliance players will go to the ship in Boralus Harbor at 70, 27. Once there, you should be able to pick up and turn in Uniting Kul Tiras (A)orUniting Zandalar (H).

Fortunately, turning the rep quest in is shared across all characters of the same faction on your account so unlocking Mechagon on multiple Horde characters for example doesn’t require grinding the rep again…

Step 4 — Start the Nazjatar storyline – Send the Fleet

With those steps done, you are now ready to head to Nazjatar — the home of the Naga. To do this, you’ll want to pick up the Send the Fleet quest on the boat you visited earlier. For me, I was able to turn in the “uniting” quest and turn right around and grab Send the Fleet.

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From there, you’ll be taken on a short introductory quest chain through Nazjatar. You’ll want to complete the introduction until you unlock a portal back to Boralus or Dazar’Alor.

If you want to see the complete list of quests required for the Nazjatar introduction, you can find them in the expandable lists below:

Completing the portal opening quest —A Way Home — will reward you with a piece of Azerite armor. This special gear got stronger as you farmed a resource called Azerite in the BFA expansion. Azerite is the blood of the planet Azeroth that was spilled when Sargeras stabbed the world with his sword.

Collecting Azerite requires the Heart of Azeroth legendary necklace, which takes us to the next step in our process…

Step 5 — Essential Empowerment and The Heart of Azeroth

Now that you have your first piece of Azerite gear, a glowing dwarf named Magni will pop up and offer you a quest called Essential Empowerment. Accept the quest and head through the portal you just opened to Boralus or Dazar’Alor.

How to Get to Mechagon in WoW - Arcane Intellect (8)

On the other side of the portal, look around until you find the portal that takes you to Silithus. This will pop you out close to the Chamber of Heart. The entrance to the chamber is a small teleporting pad down a short slope.

If you can’t interact with the teleporter, it is because you need to get the quest to unlock the Heart of Azeroth necklace first. Don’t worry; all you need to do is head back up the slope to Magni and accept The Heart of Azeroth.

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When I went through this on my own character recently, I had to complete The Heart of Azeroth first. Once I did that, I had to leave the chamber and then come back in to make it possible to turn in Essential Empowerment.

From there, you’ll want to do the 9-quest storyline that unlocks The Heart Forge (an outdated mechanic that adds once-powerful essences to your legendary neckpiece). Also, don’t waste your time doing the quest A Brother’s Help, as it is not required for the Mechagon unlock!

Here is a list of the quests you’ll need to complete if you are interested.

With that done, you’ll receive a breadcrumb quest called Back Out to Sea, which will take you — you guessed it — back to Nazjatar…

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Step 6 — Return to Nazjatar and Unlock World Quests

I promise you are almost there! All you need to do now is complete 4 more quests in Nazjatar!

Here are the required quests broken out by faction:

Once you finish those quests, you’ll unlock world quests in Nazjatar, and you’re finally ready to start the Mechagon introduction!

Step 7 — Start the Mechagon Introduction (Finally!)

At this point, most of the guides say that an NPC should pop up and give you a breadcrumb quest to unlock Mechagon… but that only applies to Alliance characters. When I tested on my Night Elf Demon Hunter, a gnome named Gila Crosswires popped up with the Fame Waits for Gnome One Quest while I was still in Nazjatar.

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On my Horde characters, I needed to travel back to Dazar’Alorand pick up the quest myself.

After returning to the Great Seal in Dazar’Alor, a new NPC called the Disgruntled Laborer was sitting on a pillar near the innkeeper. He now offered a quest called Rumors of Mechagon, asking me to speak to Gazlowe outside the Great Seal. If you want, you can skip the laborer’s quest and go straight to Gazlowe, but why not earn an extra 2+ gold.

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Once you have The Legend of Mechagon quest, you’ll be tasked to travel to Tiragarde Sound to explore a curious discovery that will introduce you to Mechagon!

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Mechagon in WoW?

Mechagon is an island located off the north-eastern coast of Kul’Tiras on Azeroth. It is home to the Mechagnomes, a cyborg-like race of gnomes who swapped out their body parts for machine parts to eliminate weaknesses rising from the “curse of flesh.”

Is there a teleport to Mechagon?

Horde players can teleport directly to Mechagon by talking to the goblin at 41.85, 87.43 in south-eastern Dazar’Alor (found in Zuldazar). Alliance players aren’t so lucky and will have to take a flight path to travel to Mechagon.

As you progress in the story and unlock junkyard tinkering in Mechagon, you can also create an Ultrasafe Transporter: Mechagon. This consumable item will teleport you to Mechagon but requires 250 spare parts and 2 energy cells to craft after unlocking the blueprint. The blueprint is a random drop from the Gear Checker Cogstar rare in Mechagon.

Is the Mechagon unlock account-wide?

Unfortunately, the Mechagon unlock is not account-wide but will be much faster on alts. The rep requirements will only need to be done once for each faction, but the Nazjatar and Heart of Azeroth steps will need to be done each time.

Can I get to Mechagon without doing the quest chain?

Yes, there are 2 common ways to get to Mechagon without going through the unlock process. The first is to have a friend fly you on a riding mount from Drustvar. Fatigue will kick in, but you can technically make it. The other way is to have a group summon you using a warlock portal or the Operation: Mechagon dungeon meeting stone.

In either case, you won’t have access to the quests on Mechagon, but you can still do some exploring or run the dungeon.


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How to Get to Mechagon in WoW - Arcane Intellect (2024)
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