Gutfeld! : FOXNEWSW : September 21, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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what was that all about? >> laura: love you, raymond. the best is "happy birthday to you." >> look at that. i'm going to find a graphics person that did this and i will hunt you down. that's going to be my birthday. >> laura: that's it for us tonight. greg gutfeld takes it now. ♪ ♪ >> greg: that's true. it's true. all right. yes, happy wednesday. happy wednesday, everyone. great show. i'm so excited. jared kushner has joined us. if you look closely, you can see the regret starting to take shape on his face.

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and for some reason we welcome back mike baker. let's hope he can complete a sentence using only 50 ums in 24 groans. when you need a coherent thought and 24 hours, don't call him. all right. ever since joe biden's speech from the innermost circle of hell, i've been think about the future of this country. not that he ate fiber before boarding the roller coaster at six flags. it's the extreme maga republican who apparently number in the dozens or perhaps millions. we really never get a head count on the threat. we are not even sure they have heads. the vagueness of the threat certainly is convenient mainly because it's hard to count something that doesn't really exist. unlike the persistent and violent crime we now experience everything the day across this

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country. oddly none of that is caused by people in red hats. extreme maga aren't like sheep. you can't count them to fall asleep because there's really not enough of them. for a democrat it's best never to know how truly big the threat is where it might actually end up going away. trump supporters revenue climate change. we can't quantify it but we can tell you it's evil. the fear tactic, it's effective. thanks to joe and the media, we have a democratic majority in a poll who believe that trump supporters are a serious threat to democracy. they even got 25% of republicans to agree. let's be honest. those with a really dumb ones. when those to her 25%, they thought, all right, our best approval numbers ever. of course you have the democrats pushing the idea that violence is looming around the corner. here is eric swalwell in between bouts of rampart farting and

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having sex with chinese spies. >> they are so out of alignment with mainstream america. they can't win back the majority votes in elections that they now are more comfortable with violence in voting. it's their only path to enacting their political agenda. >> greg: remember when that guy ran for president? neither can he. i think he pulled lower than kamala harris which is like saying that he pulled lower than anal warts. no offense to people with anal warts. it's a common problem. >> nothing a little ointment can't clear up. >> greg: i decided to do research about the maga threat. i know i shouldn't have to do that but it was either that or bare-knuckle boxing with david ben dowell -- david mcdowell.

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dagen mcdowell. joe and the media never name the threats. i wanted to see if i could put a name to the demon. perhaps it's one of these republican candidates running for office. after all, all they ever talk about is p*rnography. >> can you define what p*rnographic means to you. >> there's two naked people. they are acting out a act, multiple different sexual acts. do you want me to send you some so you can see them. that would be fine. >> greg: i love her. i really love her. why did she stop?

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honestly kind of wish she'd kept going. i was just getting into it. i was moments away from whipping out my credit card. credit card. let's see gretchen whitmer match that kind of pillow talk. then maybe not. the fbi might try to kidnap her again. so yeah, that's and all but is it a threat to democracy and the spy democracy you mean my pants. however that's terrible. i found the threat to this great republic. her name is linda paulson. i'm sure you agree she's a monster. utah district 12, listen up. that's a new name on the ballot for the state senate. ♪ ♪ >> utah district 12, listen up, there's a new name on the bout for the senate this year. my name is linda paulson

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republican also. love god and country in the constitution. >> greg: all right. she's wrapping and she's adorable. she is smoking any weed, it's definitely medicinal. linda, i wonder if you were pro-religious freedom, pro-life, pro-police. >> the right to bear arms in the right of free speech. i want less government control and regulation, want to stop and expose all political corru corruption ♪ ♪ integrity, reality, government program should lead to self-sufficiency and support traditional family ♪ ♪ the fundamental unit of society ♪ ♪ in schools they are pushing for new beliefs and just to clarify this ♪ ♪ as a female adult, i know what

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a woman is ♪ [applause] >> greg: . she knows what a woman is. someone introducing to ketanji brown jackson. she thinks there's two biological sexes. i wonder if she loves this country. >> ♪ i love this country ♪ ♪ it's a blessing to be free ♪ ♪ but freedom comes with responsibility ♪ ♪ the constitution needs to be protected ♪ ♪ not change or disregarded but resurrected ♪ ♪ if you share my values ♪ ♪ if you like what i stand for mobile then give me your vote on the 8th of november ♪ ♪ district 12 needs her choice, let him be your voice about linda paulson ♪ ♪ linda paulson for senate ♪

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>> greg: there's a real threat to democracy. joe mccarthy and drag which probably means she's a decent person, nice lady, should be elected. currently no one fits that description who works in d.c. i would vote for her but i'm not a citizen of utah and i'm not allowed after that incident with the mormon tabernacle choir. mormon tabernacle choir. that's the last time i inquire about a missionary position. still that's the face of the republican party. no wonder the democrats are scared. senior citizen who likes to wrap? i think i just described bret baier. ♪ ♪

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some more vanilla ice is rolling in his grave. let's welcome tights asked. he brought democrats grief by bringing peace to the middle east. former senior advisor to president trump and author of the number one book making history, jared kushner. he does his best work undercover and under the covers. former cia operative and host of black files declassified on discovery science channel, mike baker. she's like beanie baby, cute but we all thought she'd be worth more money by now. fox news contributor kat timpf. and fortune-tellers call his

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palms war and peace because they take forever to read. i know. my massive sidekick and nwa world television champion, ty tyrus. jared, congratulations, number one on "the new york times" seller list. there is one flaw, i checked the index. i'm not mentioned in this book at all. >> must've been the first version. >> greg: please put it back i in. do you feel like you are a threat to democracy because you are part of the trump world. >> according to what i hear sometimes i think what they are. something people didn't understand about trump voters, they wanted low gas prices, low taxes. they didn't want wars in ukraine or china being provocative. i wanted people to understand

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all the things that happened during the trump administration despite the craziness. whether it's accusing us of colluding with russia for two years. it turned out we didn't collude with russia. these different currents that we wanted to cover her. when i travel the country, i saw trump voters were good people who wanted their country are stored in the way they wanted to live. that was what i tried to portray. >> greg: that's what i liked about your book. you weren't part of this world. you are forced. through marriage. you are probably typical new york liberal. you had to hang out with these people. this is real. these are real people. i thought it was interesting. i'm going to piss off so many people but i think it was the best book about the administration. i think i will upset a few people become on the show. you're behind the scenes of and a lot of stuff.

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the middle east peace process. you knew nothing about this. you didn't know you are going to work on it. you didn't know it and you do it and you succeed because you're not a diplomat. you succeeded because you're not a d.c. diplomat. anyway i have blown too much smoke up your ass. >> jared: you can do more if you like. what was important to portray is that i wasn't in new york liberal. i was a pragmatist. we have the titles today. i show it was like to travel through the country, explore, meet people, have an open mind and learn about the middle east, learned about the policies people wanted nco president trump and the administration delivered it. >> greg: you were helping people. mike baker, you are killing them. >> mike: only the ones that weren't helping. >> greg: only kill bad people? would you like to comment on? how about ms. paulson. corny but really good.

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>> mike: yap. first of all, if i might say your work on the middle east policies, well done. didn't get enough appreciation. second. if i may. second, as far as since when does p*rnography only involves two people and no one model. what kind of p*rn she watching. linda paulson, god bless her, she reminds me of my mom and away, rest her soul. if you decide to turn your campaign ad into a rap video, be prepared to get kicked in the ass on social media and move on. it's fun. i don't think we are going to see a lot of these from her.

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>> greg: that's a safe prediction. >> mike: she is a one-hit wonder. >> kat: if you're going to do a rap, you should ask yourself, is my name linda? if it is, you've got to be prepared may be the reaction is going to be mixed. it was cringeworthy. i say this is somebody who, i don't have enough rhythm for the choreography and a soulcycle costs. not so much a joke is something that i had to learn the hard w way. she didn't really seem to be trying. she clearly reported that one time with no thought of rhythm or cadence for anything. >> greg: i can't believe you're seriously criticizing this. i was more critical of the music. i hope the music was not as good as her voice. >> kat: seriously critical is an overemphasis of how much i care. i'm not going to listen to it

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again recreationally. >> greg: i am. i'm going to have it on repeat in the hot tub. you know what i'm saying? >> tyrus: no. >> kat: no. >> tyrus: i loved it. what i love the most about it. we seem to forget this is where the media always kind of tells themselves. the first thing you heard from all these media experts was how she wasn't black. i found like wow, that's really racist thing to say that an art form can't be expressed by anyone. sure the rhythm was off but her heart was in it and i listen to the whole thing because i was laughing to put a smile on my face. that's kind of the whole point of want wrap is. i guess no one ever heard of eminem or the beastie boys. it's an art form. >> left out vanilla ice. >> tyrus: vanilla ice left

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himself out. >> greg: r.i.p. >> tyrus: still alive and probably waiting for you in the parking lot. someone does something out-of-the-box in the left reminds us that only black people can do this. says who? >> greg: linda proved it. rhyming constitution is hard for anybody. >> tyrus: she did it and i know exactly where she stands on everything. find another politician right now or you know exactly where they stand. >> greg: they should all be wrapping. >> tyrus: we know where she stands where she is about how happy she is in both of her hips work. she had a lot of things going on. good for her. >> greg: excellent point. when i host the fox debate in 2024. i haven't told anybody yet. i'm going to be hosting the fox debate. >> greg: dropped 16 bars. go. >> greg: am going to have all

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the candidates wrap there. >> tyrus: that's what 16 bars mean. criticize her and you don't know the language. >> kat: i meant rap. >> greg: of next, you would think these hosts were dropped on their head given the dumb things they said. it's nice to unwind after a long week of telling people how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need!

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we're increasing production in the permian basin by 15%. and we're projected to reach 1 million barrels of oil per day by 2025. all while staying on track to reduce our carbon emissions intensity in the area. because it's only human to tackle the challenges of today to help ensure a brighter tomorrow.

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>> greg: welcome back. some tv hosts are dumber than posts. it's deep dive where a few brain cells ever survive. time once again for... >> heroes and media. how do you function when you are

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this [bleep] dom? >> greg: during a discussion of potential 2024 presidential republican candidates, accusing nikki haley of using a white sounding name. yes, a woman who calls herself sonny accused another woman of a made-up nickname. she's funny. speak our love to see nikki haley, liz cheney. >> nikki haley the chameleon. >> i think nikki haley is incredibly effective. >> what is her real name? >> aside from ron desantis. >> i don't want to miss pronounce it it's indian. >> i think if she leaned into -- >> people don't go by their -- >> greg: want a festival of stupid. i didn't realize how bad that was. yes, discussion of why women of color need to lean into their real names on a show coasted by

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karen johnson. a.k.a. whoopi goldberg. a name that appro appropriates h culture and will be questions. >> i wouldn't be shocked if an indian woman growing up in south carolina did it to avoid prejudice. i want to be careful about critiquing her. >> some of us can be, millions and decide not to embrace our ethnicity. >> i don't think that's fair. >> i didn't want to be the one to say it. >> most americans can't pronounce it. >> greg: what a [bleep] jackass. i hate swearing like that but my

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god. a, she keeps bringing up chameleons. b, you're the reason why she had to change her name because you're stupid. you couldn't pronounce her name. what an arrogant jackass and i wrote the book on it. but unlike sunday, it nikki haley does use her real name. she tweeted "thanks for your concern. it's racist for you to judge my name. nikki is it indian name." in other stupid people news, speaking with a royal commentator, don raised the prospect of the british royal family paying reparations. it didn't go as planned. >> those who are asking for

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reparations for colonialism. they are wondering where suffering when you have all this vast wealth. >> you always need to go back to the beginning of a supply chain. that was in africa. across the entire world when slavery was taking place, which was the first mission of the world that abolished slavery? it was the british. 2,000 naval men died on the high seas trying to stop slavery. the african kings were rounding up their own people. no one was going to africa to get them. >> greg: even if you are for reparations, it's way more complicated than it looks. there's more. >> if reparations need to be paid we need to go right back to the beginning about supply chain and say who was rounding up their own people and having them handcuffed in cages. may be the descendants of those families where they died on the high seas trying to stop the

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slavery. those families should receive something. >> it's an interesting discussion. thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> greg: it's an interesting discussion. i guess we better go. performances like that, cnn may have to demote him. the next time he gets recognized at a restaurant he'll be asking if you want fries. jared, i've got to ask. how do you feel about alyssa fara on the view? you worked with her. i think she stupid. what do you think? >> jared: i thought we're going to talk about don levin. >> jared: alyssa worked well with asked with the white house. usually cnn doesn't have people who know how to counter their narrative. usually takes maybe 24 hours to be proven a little crazy but it was fun to watch. >> greg: i said this today on

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a show called "the five." we live in a bubble, you can't see around the corner. that means you never know when you could be wrong. >> tyrus: because i live in a bubble. >> greg: and you can't see what's around you. >> tyrus: gutfeld, you dear, sweet man. you don't know how horribly racist sonny's comments were. what a chameleon is is an uncle tom. it's the lowest form. it would be like me if i changed my name to i don't know john smith and dyed my hair and refused to knowledge my ethnicity. what she was basically saying was that she betrayed her race so she could fit in apparently at the age of birth. she came out and was like, call me nikki. so in any other situation that individual would be fired because that was beyond repair. and i've got to give credit. we will call her will be --

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whoopi. the damage was done. don levin he got woke the [bleep] up is what happened. was really sad is you didn't run the whole clip. his ass stutters. here's the problem. somebody drops knowledge on you like that it takes you to the learning shed, you have her back. bring her right back. you learn. wow. that blew my mind. blew his mind. his producer was like go to commercial, go to commercial. cut her mind. but they panicked. we should have her on. i would like to learn more about those sailors. i didn't know that. >> greg: i consider myself a historian. >> tyrus: you didn't know what 16 bars was. >> greg: i didn't tell you

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what kind of historian. but i didn't know that story. that's something i didn't know. >> tyrus: woke the [bleep] up. that is welcome. he is wide-awake. >> greg: kat, would you care to comment on the dumbo show on earth, the view. or the dumbest man on earth, don levin. >> kat: being moved to a morning show is not a demotion. >> greg: you could argue they told him it wasn't a demotion. >> kat: whatever you tell him. with sonny, there is nowhere to give her the benefit of the doubt. if you're on tv and you're talking for a living, these different subjects. sometimes maybe you're not prepared for the discussion. don't know everything about everything. you should always come prepared knowing your own name.

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how are you going to go after someone else when you're not even sure if what you're saying is true and also you are fully aware that you're doing the thing, you're accusing a person of everybody there knows it. that's in. >> greg: this is the thing about being in a bubble. if she had real friends or somebody in her life, she could've seen around the corner. their argument about nikki haley, you don't want to make that. your name is sunny. that's a name that you chose because your name was really long. when you live in a bubble you never see that step. >> that righteous. >> mike: your railing against somebody who's been caught in the fair or doing something. you can always guarantee that righteous person is doing something doubly freaky in the basem*nt. with obama.

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>> greg: and her name is so sonny. >> greg: there is nothing sunny about her demeanor. >> mike: go with claudia. >> greg: the nickname should have been cloudy. speaking of, his forecasts were top-notch until he showed his crot athing, and lower use of oral steroids. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. ask your doctor about fasenra. >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, let safelite come to you. ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: my customer enjoys time with her family. so when her windshield got a crack... she scheduled with safelite in just a few clicks. we came to her house...

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>> greg: have you seen this? apparently cloudy forecast with a chance of penis. the weatherman got lonely and made a forecast for adults only. new york city weatherman eric put the meat in meteorologist. even i am blushing. he was suspended and then fired for appearing on adult webcam site. wait, you can get fired for that? he claims an anonymous user sent images of him to his tv station and then to his mother which is

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ds. they get the images free. i have to pay the membership fee. he since filed a lawsuit against the operator of the site trying to find out who snitched. eric apologized in a lengthy instagram post reading "i acted out my compulsive behaviors while at home by performing on camera for other men. i unequivocally apologize to my employers at spectrum, my coworkers, my audience, family and friends. let me be clear about something. i don't apologize for being openly gay or being positive. to be fair, the challenge should have known something was up when he kept drying hurricanes in the shape of giant is the person who pushes these photos. it's not his fault.

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>> kat: i don't see what he has to apologize for. why can't he be and a weat weatherman? how does it interfere with your ability to tell me if it's going to be cold out. it was like he was doing it randomly creative's website. or whatever. you go there because you want to see peoples penises. he was fitting in. that's what you do to fit in when you're on that website. it would be more offensive if he was on that website with his clothes on. why dialogue into this? [laughter] >> greg: mikey, why not be a capitalist and combine the two things. do an app. maybe i have a name. call it a warm front. anyway.

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>> mike: is a pressure system building. >> greg: he could combine them. probably worth millions of the year. >> mike: absolutely. tell me that a lot of viewers of weather in new york wouldn't tune in anyway. i mean. double your fun. bring the llama. >> greg: tyrus, i think it's unfair that you get in trouble for this. 30 years ago this was available for other people that are now laughing about it. we didn't have these things. >> m>> tyrus: first of all, i'mo sorry that you had to walk into this. >> jared: i think you are tough. people have to take on second jobs with the inflation. >> tyrus: i threw one up for you to protect you. it was not my cup of tea.

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it was behind an adult pay window. clear word, adults only. didn't bring it to work. >> tyrus: i don't know, gutfeld. >> greg: coming up, a new york apartment the size of an overhead compartment. i may be close to retirement but i'm as busy as ever. and thanks to voya, i'm confident about my future. voya provides guidance for the right investments. they make me feel like i've got it all under control.

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voya. be confident to and through retirement. becoming a morning person starts the night before with new neuriva relax and sleep. it has l-theanine to help me relax from daily stress. plus, shoden ashwagandha for quality sleep. so i can wake up refreshed. neuriva think bigger.

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like in trelegy,... there is not a significant increased risk of these events. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase risk of thrush and infections. get emergency care for serious allergic reactions. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. don't let asthma take another breath. go triple. go trelegy. ask your doctor about trelegy today. >> greg: would you blow a gasket over a rental the sides of the casket? in manhattan, that's in new york, kat. a $650 per month for an 80 square-foot apartment. that is room for only 80 square feet. i was thinking about people with square feet. a youtube or interviewed a woman named alayna who showed off her tiny pad which doesn't have an onion. an onion! which doesn't have an onion.

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which doesn't have an oven. a shower or even a toilet. just how i like it. it has no toilet but it does have a sink. i've never really understood the difference. this audience. sharing a bathroom down the hall with her neighbors. shocking many new yorkers who prefer to use the street. she has a loft bed but i wonder if she brings boys up there. >> do you bring boys up here? >> never. i have told them it's not possible. they are like, we won't judge you. it's not about judging. >> greg: challenge accepted. perhaps it's why so many new yorkers are headed to florida. nearly 42,000 people have switched their driver's licenses from the empire to the sunshine state. florida, $650 rental includes a

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sunroom for your meth addicted alligator. you are a big player in the real estate market. are these tiny apartments anomaly and that's why they get covered. and b, you moved out of new york. do you miss the crime and the drugs and the homelessness? >> i would've loved to have seen tyrus without apartment. if possible. >> tyrus: just like the weatherman, it ain't happening. >> jared: we lived in new york for a long time. we loved it. incredible city. it does have great energy. we went to florida. i told my wife that we are 30 years ahead of schedule. we were all going to move down there anyway but it's been a great lifestyle and we've enjoyed it. it's still nice to be in new york. people coming here, a lot of vibrancy wherever they can. >> greg: interesting. tyrus. >> tyrus: so sweet. >> greg: exactly the son-in-law you would want. >> tyrus: it all makes sense now. >> greg: then he says she's

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got to convert and he's like, okay. [laughs] >> tyrus: yeah, i have no comment about, it's the size of my shoe, the apartment she was in. >> greg: every apartment is like that for you. >> tyrus: i don't do apartments. enemies for whoever lives underneath me. people go to florida. the lexington police and sheriffs. going to be able to not walk through feces, drugs, et cetera or not have their heads -- and not going to walgreens. a lot of reasons new yorkers are leaving. it's sad because it's an easy fix. invest in our police department. bring back our men and women in blue and start prosecuting. >> greg: it's sad because when you hear people talk about, whether it's new york city or san diego. bill walton was talking about how he grew up in san diego.

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it's heartbreaking for people who grew up in areas that are not -- that have regressed. it's not about a place changing. it's about one a place regresses. that's what's heartbreaking. >> mike: if anybody remembers the '70s or early '80s in new york. >> kat: no. >> mike: then it got good. focus on things like prosecuting crimes and getting the police out there. now it's gone back that way. portland is the same way. my family lived in portland for a long time. now you go there and you can't recognize it. it's an absolute mess. my favorite story. going to the tiny apartment thing. talking about the decline in american cities i find it very depressing. in the story my favorite quote from the story was "as for sleeping. because what you alluded to this. the bed is lofted close to the ceiling which prevents guys from staying over. it wouldn't prevent guys from

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staying over if they weren't going to hope that they engage in sex but that's the point of the story. that's what she's implying. if i am her parent, i'm going to be upset reading the story. >> greg: asked. maybe that's just a cover, kat. may be she is saying you can't come over because the ceiling is too low. >> kat: yeah, because you can only have sex in a bed, just so you know. he's like, i found a place to put the llama thing. imagine being you. >> let's all stop and imagine. >> kat: it doesn't seem that bad. a studio apartment average in new york is $3400 a month. all that really has that she doesn't have is a toilet. she has a toilet down the hall. it's not that bad. that's her dog. big adult dog.

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is that guy okay? >> greg: that is the unspoken part of the story. >> kat: the dog does not look like it's having a good day. >> greg: take me to the shelter. a reverse rescue dog. please kidnap me. >> we used to give high-value targets more room in their interrogation. >> greg: you don't want to get their hopes up before you strangle them. all right. up next, the fda warns not to pour nyquil on chicken breasts. to companies who empower people to lift themselves up. it takes funding and building on our know-how to help communities grow. that's how citi is helping create a better future by committing one trillion dollars in sustainable finance by 2030. because it takes everything to reach zero poverty. ♪ ♪

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>> greg: story and five words, don't put nyquil on chicken. in response to tiktok trend, te fda is warning people from cooking chicken and i quell because it is dangerous. will this stop you from cooking chicken and nyquil? >> kat: i don't cook, that would be what stops me. we pay for the fda which is so depressing. there's no reason to cook chicken and nyquil because it is stupid, it is dangerous, but also not the cough syrup that gets you high. >> greg: that's true, what is that? >> kat: oh, i have no idea.

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>> greg: mike, did this occur to you? >> mike: i will admit that i love nyquil, it works like a charm. >> greg: have you done zeke well? it's amazing. >> mike: you combine them with a chaser, and also chicken but i would never combine the two. >> greg: wide two different purposes. >> kat: are you okay? >> greg: today the words have been in my mouth before i formulate. but one is for food and the others were feeling better. it does not make any sense. >> mike: none whatsoever. it >> greg: thank you for the help. jared, another topic for you to apply your genius to. >> jared: i see you are all struggling to figure out who would put nyquil on chicken, and i assume it's because you have not worked in washington to meet the type of people that think it is a good idea. >> greg: they were probably put aside $400 million for a nyquil subsidy.

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>> jared: they would study it and then do it, if the democrats wanted that republicans won't want it. >> greg: and if it's not zquil i don't want it. it's like the wrap wars. a >> tyrus: yeah, exactly not. oh, jeez, putting nyquil on chicken, bad idea. no [bleep]. china is having so much fun with us with tiktok. how many more, i mean i am anti-tiktok. i don't have it. it's not allowed in my household because i let my kids get dumb on their own. but the great thing about the story is this tiktok video came out a year ago and to the point to the fda now just came out with a warrant. a year later. >> kat: you if you needed someone to tell you not to do this, you are dead. >> greg: but tyrus is right, tiktok is china's best tool to work on us. making us all dumber, draining

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us of precious time and stealing your soul. if you have one. not sure i have one. >> tyrus: you had me until the sole part, yeah.eroi >> greg: don't go away, we will be right back. astepro starts working in 30 minutes. so you can... astepro and go.

8:57 pm

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in the darkness of bipolar i and ii depression, caplyta can help you let in the lyte. ask your doctor about caplyta, from intra-cellular therapies. >> greg: we are out of time, thanks to jared kushner, great book! our studio audience! fox news at night with greg i amgreg gutfeld, i love y! ♪ ♪ >> hello, welcome to "fox news @ night," i am mike emanuel in washington. break into ninth, new york state new york state attorney general letitia james is suing the trump organization over its business dealings and what she is calling the art of the steel, and before the president tells at sean hannity tonight, it's just a continuation of a long-running feud. >> she said we are going to get him, that's her whole camp

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.