All Secrets in Idle Skilling - Touch, Tap, Play (2025)

Idle Skilling is—surprise—an idle RPG where you fight beasties and power up incrementally. It is a pretty simple and addicting idle game, but there are some well-hidden secrets that grant powerful passive bonuses when found. Here are all secrets in Idle Skilling!

All hidden secrets in Idle Skilling

There are four secret quests to find in Idle Skilling, and when you complete them, you gain a substantial permanent buff that increases your abilities in some way. As such, these secrets are very much worth finding, so let us get started.

Death’s orphaned son

Death greets you whenever you die in Idle Skilling. It simply stares at you for a few seconds while you wait for your health to recharge fully, at which point you are transported back to the realm of the living.

However, eagle-eyed players may have noticed that you can actually see Death’s health counter, which is a whopping 10 million health. So, can you do the impossible? Can you kill Death itself?

Your auto attacks deal no damage to Death, so you have to take him down using only active skills, but before you auto-revive. Needless to say, you have to be very high level before you can pull this off in time.

All Secrets in Idle Skilling - Touch, Tap, Play (1)

If you manage to take down Death, you end up in a throne room, where you can talk to Death’s orphaned son. You are tasked with bringing back the following fish:

  • Medium Yellow Fish x 25 (Small)
  • Blue Sharks x 10 (Medium)
  • Hammerhead Sharks x 5 (Medium)

Completing this secret quest gives you 30% more kills whenever you take down a monster.

Related | How to Get the Hippo that Deals Purple Damage in Idle Skilling

The blacksmith’s dream

When the blacksmith reaches level 20, you can talk to him to get a quest to cure him of his fever. To level up the blacksmith, have him create lots of trinkets.

You must craft the Blacksmith’s Pills, which require a Red Herring and Ice Cube Fish to craft, both of which can be fished up at fishing level 36.

After crafting the pills, click and drag them over to the blacksmith to give him the pills. He will begin to have a fever dream, with you in it. Talk to the pig head on the stake, who gives you a quest to bring back the following:

  • Effluvium Ore x 99
  • Dubloonium Ore x 3,000
  • Dollar Fish x 10 (Small)

Completing this secret quest makes ascension give you 40% more AP.

The fisherman’s gramophone

After completing the blacksmith’s dream, visit the fisherman and talk to him to learn about his lost gramophone. Turns out that the gramophone pieces have been scattered across the entire game, so you have to find and collect all the pieces.

All Secrets in Idle Skilling - Touch, Tap, Play (2)
  • The first piece is floating in the water, underneath your fish collection.
  • The second piece is randomly spawns on your Skillers in the Strength Mountain training area.
  • The final piece is found in the blacksmith’s dream. You can revisit the area using the secrets portal.

Go back to the docks and play the repaired gramophone, which attracts the attention of something large. Wait for the fisherman to reel in a Dollar Fish, then click on it to bait out the large fish.

You will both end up inside the large fish’s belly, and the fisherman is injured. To help him out, you need to bring the following:

  • Effluvium Ore x 1,000,000
  • Copper Ore x 9,000,000
  • Old Boots x 1,000,000

Completing this secret quest increases fishing experience earned offline and fish caught overall by 50%.

Growing a civilization

Once you have completed the previous three secret quests, you can now take on the final secret quest, which is to essentially a scavenger hunt of sorts. There are ten checkboxes that you must click hidden throughout the game. Here are all the locations:

  1. In the raids portal, the checkbox is hidden in the very bottom right corner of the ticket box that shows raid info.
  2. In the blacksmith’s dream, the checkbox is on the right edge of the screen, on a palm tree leaf.
  3. During any raid boss, there is a checkbox in between the raid boss’s portrait and their health bar.
  4. In the Gym training area, collapse the training area selection list to find a hidden checkbox.
  5. In the help screen, the checkbox is in the top right corner.
  6. On the startup screen that shows you how long you have been away from the game, there is a checkbox on the right side edge of the screen.
  7. In the green perk tab, there is a checkbox hidden behind the Midas skill, in the top right corner of its skill box.
  8. Inside the big fish that swallows you and the fisherman, there is a checkbox in the top right corner of the fish’s belly, hidden behind some flesh.
  9. In Death’s throne room, there is a checkbox directly above the throne, but below the painting.
  10. On the contracts menu, there is a checkbox on the left side of the podium.

Once you have ticked all the checkboxes, return to the portals, and you should see the secrets portal all lit up. You can now access a little civilization that grows with your playtime, starting from the second you unlock it. All outgoing damage is increased depending on how long your playtime is.

All Secrets in Idle Skilling - Touch, Tap, Play (2025)


What is the secret civilization in idle skilling? ›

The civilization secret is the check boxes found throughout the game. There are 10 empty circles around the Secrets portal. It should be noted some of the check boxes are hard to click and need to be clicked off to a side or even a little below. Also check boxes can be unmarked (Training check box) by accident.

How do I get idle skilling code? ›

By playing IS and reaching certain milestones you can earn rewards in Idleon MMO. It requires you to enter your first character's Name into the event window of Idle Skilling, and when you reach a reward tier you are given a code. Save this code as it is the only way to get your reward.

How to unlock hoops in idle skilling? ›

To unlock hoops one must find the Basketball in Raids and drag the ball to the Gift Shop button. The ball will then be on the Gift Shop Screen. Then the player must drag the ball to the Exit Button. You can then see it on the training menu.

How to unlock purgatory in idle skilling? ›

The Portal is permanently unlocked after Keymaster Y is defeated in the Grasslands. This hub provides immediate access to Ascension, Raids, Asylum, Purgatory, Dairy Aisle and Mastery, but access to Secrets will become available after they are unlocked.

What is the secret vault? ›

Secret Vaults is designed to protect your confidential data against unauthorized access. A Secret Vault is a data storage on your computer that you can lock or unlock using the password that only you know. You have to enter the password to modify the files stored in a secret vault.

What is the max level in idle skilling train? ›

Training Perks persist through Ascension and Rebirth but spent points are reset. They can also be reset by spending 20 Gems or one time for free each Ascension/Rebirth. Each Training Perk can be upgraded to a maximum level of 99.

What is the code for rich at IDLE? ›

The diagnostic trouble code (DTC) P2188 indicates “System Too Rich at Idle.” Your vehicle's computer will set code P2188 when it detects the engine running rich while idling. Common reasons for the computer setting a P2188 code include a bad engine sensor, an exhaust leak, or a bad fuel injector.

How do I debug code in IDLE? ›

Find & Fix Code Bugs in Python: Debug With IDLE
  1. Step 1: Make a Guess About Where the Bug Is Located.
  2. Step 2: Set a Breakpoint and Inspect the Code.
  3. Step 3: Identify the Error and Attempt to Fix It.
  4. Step 4: Repeat Steps 1 to 3 Until the Bug Is Gone.
  5. Alternative Ways to Find Bugs.

How do I get more kills in idle skilling? ›

Kill Count Increase

The Death's Son secret grants +30% more kills when defeating monsters, which is further multiplied by crafted Enigmatic Boosters, a level 40 Smithing item. The level 120 Smithing Ensouled Head grants Kills per Kill (caps at +10).

How do you unlock Lord's Lair in idle skilling? ›

The Lord's Lair is accessed through the Portal and is unlocked after getting an ice cream and reaching Maelstrom.

How to unlock realm idle skilling? ›

Clearing the Dungeon unlocks Purgatory, an advanced Fighting area with doubled idle speed and accuracy penalties. Clearing the Dungeon also unlocks Realm.

How to get purple damage in idle skilling? ›

if it is purple damage you need a rainboppo, Little piggy>hippo>horn hippo>rainboppo and once you have that pet you need to banish a minion every time to do purple damage don't forget to upgrade the energy tower to allow you to banish minions without losing them.

How to bypass purgatory? ›

Five Ways to Avoid Purgatory
  1. Get Holier through the Sacraments. The whole point of being Catholic is to become holier and thus, closer to God. ...
  2. Suffer Gratefully. ...
  3. Seek Indulgences. ...
  4. Get Close to Your Mother. ...
  5. Ask the Angels for Help.
Jul 17, 2014

What is the secret room in the ancient city? ›

The Ancient City has a hidden room that's commonly referred to as the "Redstone Room." It can be found underneath the wooden bridge next to the giant structure in the center. You'll see two stairs leading to a wall when you're underneath the bridge.

What is the ancient continent in idle miner? ›

The Ancient Continent is the sixth continent to become available in Idle Miner Tycoon. You need 12al Dusk Cash to unlock the Ancient Continent. Here you collect Ancient Cash which is only valid on the Ancient Continent / for Ancient/turquoise items like Ancient Research Points (turquoise Skill Points).

What is the secret language in Warhammer? ›

Certain Warriors can speak the secret Battle Tongue, a clipped, shortened, and otherwise unintelligible version of Old Worlder used mostly for giving commands during battles. The Battle Tongue can be spoken twice as quickly as any other language.

How to unlock Lord's Lair idle skilling? ›

The Lord's Lair is accessed through the Portal and is unlocked after getting an ice cream and reaching Maelstrom.

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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.